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 Many travel options are available on our They want to make your search results as relevant and useful as possible. You will find many ways to search for and plan your next trip on

Our site uses dynamic, complex algorithms in order to efficiently arrange your search results.

You have the option to choose how search results are sorted. Additionally, filter options can be used to limit search results that do not match your preferences. If you choose not to use the features, then you will only see our default sorting order. This is as follows.
For Accommodation

    Results are sorted starting with the most relevant and attractive offers. These include the property's historical price, guest rating, number or reviews of previous bookings and its location (relatively) to your destination search.
    They also differ by other factors, such as the number of guests relocated and refunds dueto complaints about stays, availability of properties on our sites, and price competitiveness.
    The amount we are paid for booking a property or receiving compensation for such bookings is another factor. It is taken into account when determining which properties rank in the search results. How much we are paid is an indication of our contribution to listing the property on our website, helping with the booking process and facilitating your stay at it. A booking that is paid more than the commission or compensation for a property will appear higher in search results listings than similar properties.

Things to Do

    You can order results by considering factors such as price, location and searched-for experiences. These results may also include compensation we might earn from a booking and the number of previous bookings.

Vacation Packages and Combined Searches

    The criteria listed above for each component determines how the results are arranged.

If you choose a specific kind order such that those prioritizing price or deals, guest reviews and property class rating, distance form center, or other factors, the results will be presented using these factors. The same applies to pages that offer accommodation options or showcase deals in a destination.

Applying a filter will produce a list of results that is filtered according to the particular feature(s) or amenity(ies).

We are always updating our systems, and we test new ways to refine your results to be as relevant to your needs. 


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